Wyldes Noyse
Providing popular music on authentic instruments and in period dress covering 600 years -
from the Dark Ages to The Age of Enlightenment

Wyldes Noyse

...an extravaganza of historical music - Eastern Daily Press

...just the right touch of popular appeal - Leicester Mercury

You were terrific – what you did was just what we wanted and was greatly appreciated by all concerned - Richard Worsley, Burnham Norton

What a gorgeous surprise! - a shopper in Colchester, Christmas 2008

You knocked fingers, toes, knees and arms off anyone else we had seen or heard before.
Much love and many thanks, - Sadie & Colin.

you were amazing!! - Lynda

A great buy. Review of Kings to Cuckolds CD by The Waits Website

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Concert Programmes





Educational Resources
(includes booking form)

Early Music Workshops


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Wyldes Noyse, consisting of father and daughter Chris & Lizzie Gutteridge, is the nucleus of a group of musicians who, between them, can provide music on authentic instruments and in period dress from medieval times right up to the 19th century. They concentrate mainly, but not exclusively, on the popular repertoire enjoyed by ordinary people.

Wyldes Noyse Medieval & Renaissance Duo itself is the ideal group for fêtes, garden parties, dinners, weddings, etc. where a smaller group is desired, or in a more intimate setting. The duo has an extensive memorised repertoire and can play from a balcony or gallery, or in the corner of a room, or will roam about freely, playing as they go. Wyldes Noyse specialises in "playing about the streets", giving your street market or town festival an exciting, colourful and tuneful added dimension, and is used to working together with other performers, such as actors, dancers, jugglers, street entertainers and re-enactors and adapting their performances to fit in with others.

The duo is also available for entertaining musically illustrated talks, and for demonstrations and workshops in schools and for adults, covering social history and the history of European popular music from earliest times up to the nineteenth century. Opportunities can be provided for active participation in musical improvisation and performance, and dance.

Colchester Waits
Colchester Waits

More musicians can be added as required, drawing from Chris's band, the King's Lynn Waites, or Lizzie's Colchester Waits. These revivals of traditional Renaissance town bands perform on shawms and sackbuts for ceremonial music, or quieter instruments for background music or concerts.

King's Lynn Waites
King's Lynn Waites

The Fall of Eve
The Fall of Eve

Chris & Lizzie also perform popular music and songs and English folk dances from the 18th & 19th centuries in appropriate dress under the name of The Fall of Eve, the name deriving from the presence of Chris' English Military Serpent on the bass line. Lizzie plays fiddle or antique clarinet. Again, they can be augmented by the addition of other musicians as required. As well as folk and popular music, they are equally at home playing well-known classics such as Mozart's Eine Kleine Nachtmusik on fiddles, early flute and clarinet, and serpent!

Lizzie Gutteridge is a busy professional musician with the early music ensemble Blondel and the long-established Waits band, The York Waits. She has recently performed at Hampton Court, the Sam Wanamaker theatre, and in the band for the West End production of Nel Gwyn. She also makes reeds for early woodwind instruments and her partner, Erik Martens, makes shawms. See their website The Shawm Shop. Using live looping, Lizzie also performs solo concerts, building up the sound of a full band of shawms and a vast variety of other early instruments, under the name of Consort of 1. Lizzie founded and runs the increasingly popular Colchester Early Music festival Colchester Early Music, which gives a series of concerts by a wide range of early musicians each year. She is an experienced music teacher and workshop leader, as well as being an accomplished composer and arranger and musician on both modern and early instruments. She is a member of The International Guild Of Town Pipers.

Elizabeth Gutteridge


Chris Gutteridge

Chris Gutteridge has made a special study of the instruments and music of the ordinary people of Europe from Renaissance times up to the beginning of the nineteenth century. He has mastered those wayward members of the taxing cornett family, the lysarden and the serpent, and proves by practical demonstration their usefulness in combination with other early instruments. Together with Dr James Merryweather he created The Waits Website, which exists to accumulate and disseminate research on the civic bands of Renaissance Europe and founded The International Guild Of Town Pipers of which he is a life member.